Store's Spark of Creation logo
Hello Wanderer,
Have you envisioned your time and space with all your heart, mind and soul?
This store is a lot more about feeling, and the experience it brings when you implement that kind of energy into your space. Your future self will thank you. 
It’s conscious intention.
It’s about being an artist in your own world, about exploring the self as you explore the seats and spaces that you perceive and experience.
You are the curator that gives light or receives it. A surprise gift that lights the room or a new hobby that lights their inner child. 
Let’s go back to playing with things that inspire us. Let’s intuitively add light to times where it may seem dark. Let’s share and create a safe space where we can all feel like we belong. 
It’s the little things that bring us the most joy, so create the time and space for that to occur. 
That’s why this store was built. To add a little more light to the world, but also to create light in my own.
I am not sure when and if I will find someone I could create life with, right now I’m eagerly experiencing the life I am building with my own two hands and a half glass full mentality. 
The story of this store was to create some sort of income that could better a child’s, individuals or families life. Whether I would be able to be ready for children any time soon is still a question of serendipity, but I’m making the moves the way I know how.
With every purchase on this store, you will have the option to donate to:
  1. Funding an orphan
  2. Educating those in need
  3. Financing a family in need
As a child in Bahrain, I remember helping my mother with charity events and experiences for animal welfare and special needs individuals. Then when she created waves at a Dubai Centre for Special Needs. It was always very humbling and I believe that has stuck with me.
We all matter, we all have smiles yet to be seen. 
This year for Ramadan/my birthday, I would like to make this dream come true. I think it’s time to allow the wheels of responsibility to flow through our conscious buying and purchase decisions to things that breathe new life and light to those whose flicker may be struggling to hold on. 
I am so blessed to have reached this point of wisdom and knowledge,
I can only believe I get to share more of it as I expand. 
Thank you for visiting,
Much Love,